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Deep processing of agricultural products. One of the most pressing topics for today’s Ukraine. How to move from a resource-based economy to a high-tech one with a high degree of added value?
For several years in a row, a dialogue has been going on at the Insightex site between agrarians, processors, traders about how best to dispose of surplus grain, which is more profitable: increasing export volumes or creating capacities for its deep processing. The construction of enterprises using modern achievements in biotechnology is the most effective way to solve this problem. Starch and starch sugars; yeast and yeast extract; amino acids and organic acids; liquid and gaseous biofuels and much more can be produced using the latest advances in biotechnology.
Any product from the above product line can take your business to the next level. This is the level of fine technologies for deep processing of agricultural products with a high degree of added value. It is energy-efficient and environmental protection. These are volumes of the annual revenue of tens of millions of euros and direct access to the European and world markets.
These are especially attractive projects for investors, thanks to guaranteed profitability and short payback periods.
Finally, it is a solution to a wide range of social problems in the place where the business is located.